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49 – Moon to Mars (feat. Laura Forczyk)

Play Episode (41:41)

NASA continues to advance it’s Moon-first strategy, and commercial companies are starting to hop on board. Along with international interest, it all forms the backbone of NASA’s Moon to Mars strategy. Space consultant and founder of Astralytical Laura Forczyk returns to the show to talk with Jake about what this all means for Mars.

We talk Moon and Mars

Previous Coverage of Mars Strategy

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WeMartians is sponsored by MOVA Globes. Visit the site and use the code WEMARTIANS for 10% off your order of one of these really great looking pieces shipping to the Americas. They rotate without cords or batteries! Patrons, check your Patreon account for a special Patron-only discount code. Thanks to MOVA Globes for helping us explore Mars together.

Learn how MOVA worked with Cassini scientist Alexander Hayes to put together the incredible Titan globe!

WeMartians music is “RetroFuture”, “Electrodoodle”, and “On My Way” by Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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