54 – Women In Space 2019 (feat. Mallika Sarma and J.A. Grier)
Play Episode (29:41)
WeMartians visits Arizona to attend the 2019 Women in Space Conference, an interdisciplinary event covering science, engineering, and policy with a reimagined, humanized perspective. Jake and guests discuss some of the science as well as the social challenges women and other marginalized groups face as they try to explore space.
We talk the Human side of Exploration
- WISC 2019 Conference Schedule
- Sex Differences in Body Composition, Physical Activity, and Total Energy Expenditure When in a Challenging and Novel Environment (Sarma, M. S.)
- Space Ethics and Our Expanding Vision for Exploration: Core Conversations (Grier, J. A.)
- All other WISC Abstracts
- WISC Keynote Speaker Profiles
Follow Mallika, J.A., Tanya and Sara
- Mallika Sarma on Twitter (@skyy_mal)
- Mallika’s Research Site
- J.A. Grier on Twitter (@grierja)
- Tanya Harrison on Twitter (@tanyaofmars)
- Tanya’s website
- Sara Mazrouei on Twitter (@SciCommSara)
Follow Jake & WeMartians
- Website (www.wemartians.com)
- Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians)
- WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com)
- Twitter (@we_martians)
- Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit)
Rosalind Franklin
ESA recently announced that the upcoming ExoMars 2020 rover will be named for the pioneering British DNA scientist, Rosalind Franklin. Just as Franklin sought to understand the smallest signs of life, so too will her titular rover as it explores Mars. We’re celebrating this announcement with a new t-shirt design, which you can get in our shop now!

WeMartians theme music is “RetroFuture” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) and arranged by Jake Robins. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/