59 – Artemis (feat. Casey Dreier)
Play Episode (45:23)
NASA is sending people back to the Moon, or so they say. A human deep space program is easier said than done. The Planetary Society’s Casey Dreier returns to the show to talk about politics, policy, and balancing skepticism with excitement.
We Talk NASA’s Moon Plan, Artemis
- Mars Wars by Thor Hogan (free pdf)
- What can we learn from a Failed Return to the Moon?
- A Crash Program or a Modest Proposal?
- NASA awards PPE Contract for Gateway
- A Look at NASA’s Budgets
Follow Casey
- Casey’s Twitter
- Casey’s Profile on The Planetary Society
- The Planetary Society’s Space Advocacy Page
Follow Jake & WeMartians
- Website (www.wemartians.com)
- Patreon (www.patreon.com/wemartians)
- WeMartians Shop (shop.wemartians.com)
- Twitter (@we_martians)
- Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit)
- Seattle Meetup on June 29th!
The WeMartians 2018 Mission Patch

This is the Season 3 (2018) commemorative WeMartians Mission Patch. We’ve partnered with space fan and talented graphic artist Beth Kerner to put together a custom, 4-inch, sew-on embroidered patch. It’s limited edition, with a print-run of just 100. And you can get one for yourself starting today! They’re just $17 USD, and shipping is free anywhere on Earth (Mars is extra, though). If you’re a Station-level or higher patron, your permanent store discount applies, too!
The patch captures the broad narratives of our third season of podcasts. It includes the Falcon Heavy inaugural flight, the InSight launch and landing, and the global dust stormthat ended the Opportunity mission.
WeMartians theme music is “RetroFuture” by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) and arranged by Jake Robins with Public Domain NASA audio and WeMartians interview samples. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/