85 – Vera Rubin Ridge (feat. Abigail Fraeman)
Play Episode (42:25)
In early 2019, NASA’s Curiosity Rover wrapped up a year-long chapter in its mission exploring Vera Rubin Ridge, an elevated rocky plateau with high iron content. Many months later, we’re starting to see the science results roll in. JPL’s Abigail Fraeman, the Deputy Project Scientist for the mission and campaign leader for the ridge chapter, joins Jake to talk about what we learned about the ridge, and how it surprised us.
We talk Vera Rubin Ridge on Mars
- A view of Vera Rubin Ridge from Curiosity as it climbed up
- Vera Rubin Ridge from orbit with CRISM data overlay
- JGR Planets Special Issue on Vera Rubin Ridge
Follow Abby & the Curiosity Rover
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- Off-Nominal Podcast
Now Available – Season 4 Mission Patches

Our season 4 mission patches are finally here! Celebrate our 4th season of podcasts with this awesome patch by artist Beth Kerner. We talk all about the design and its elements in our announcement blog post.
You can get the new patch for $17USD with free shipping. Plus, if you missed last year’s patch, you can get both together for just $25USD while supplies last. Both patches are limited print runs so pick it up today and support not only WeMartians but a great independent space artist, too!
Get your Mission Patch now!